Phone: 1-415-312-1212
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P.O. Box 1054 Mill Valley, CA 94942

Susan B. Katz
National Board Certified Teacher
Over 12 years as bilingual educator
Educational Consultant
Author & Illustrator
SCBWI Presenter
Northern California Illustrator of the Month
Graduate of University of Michigan
Haas School of Business

"Susan Katz is an extraordinary educator, leader and event organizer. If you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with her,please do not hesitate to do so."

Maria Murray Chavez
Maria graduated in 1991 with a political science degree from UCLA. She then began her career working on Capitol Hill as Deputy Press Secretary for U.S. Senator Harry Reid, now Senate Majority Leader. After three years with Senator Reid, she had the opportunity to work on the Clinton-Gore Re-election Campaign as a member of the White House Advance team. Maria was Lead Press Advance and coordinated the press at numerous campaign events across the country. Having finished a complete political cycle and a campaign that safely returned President Clinton to the White House, she journeyed back to her home state of California. Upon her return, she worked as Sales Promotions Manager for American Airlines. Maria now enjoys working from home for ConnectingAuthors, and also shares her love of reading with her four children, Keegan, 4, Devlin, 1, and 3 month old twins, Callum and Clover.



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